Se está preparando una nueva versión del libro célebre acerca de bisexualidad, el único que conozco hasta el momento que es multivocal: Getting Bi. Ahora van a sacar directamente esta segunda edición en inglés yen castellano en paralelo. Pego la convocatoria, en inglés, aunque os digo, por si os animáis, que también se puede escribir en otros idiomas y ell*s se encargan de traducirlo. Es antes del 30 de junio. Animados!
CALL FOR ESSAYS: Getting Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around the World, 2nd edition --Do you have something to say about being bisexual? --Do you have a story about coming out as bi? --Do you feel you could identify as bisexual but choose not to? --Do you find connections (or conflicts) between your bisexuality and other parts of your identity or life? --Do you have something to say about desire? About relationships? About religion? About community? About politics? About the position of bisexuals in the place or community you call home? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, we want to publish you! We seek short personal essays or poems (200-1000 words) by bisexuals from Central or South America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia, or Africa. We seek Muslim voices from anywhere in the world. If you don't want your name in print, you can write under a pseudonym. If you think you're not a "real" writer and would like to be included in this anthology, we want you. If you're not comfortable writing, we can interview you. If you are not comfortable writing in English, write in your native language and we will translate your essay. Essays will be published in the second edition of Getting Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around the World. The new anthology will be published in 2009, in dual editions (English and Spanish). The first (2005) edition includes personal narratives by people from 32 different countries, on 6 continents, ranging in age from 15-79. Please help us make this amazing collection even broader in scope!
Send submissions to Robyn Ochs (robyn@robynochs. com) by June 30, 2008.
Thank you!
Robyn Ochs (http://www.robynoch & Sarah E. Rowley, Editors
2 comentarios:
Bueno , yo no estoy interesado en el libro, pero la camiseta mola un montón...
¿Está a la venta?
Pues ni idea si está a la venta o no. He cogido la imagen de aquí:
Y sí, a mi también me encanta.
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